Huanghe Whirlwind丨Huanghe Whirlwind Development History


On September 22, 2022, the decision to name national demonstration enterprises and industrial parks for creating harmonious labor relations was jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and others, causing widespread attention in the national business community and society. This important document named 350 companies as "National Demonstration Enterprises for Creating Harmonious Labor Relations", among which Huanghe Whirlwind, a well-known private enterprise in the Central Plains recommended by the Changge City Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, was honored. Huanghe Whirlwind not only has harmonious labor relations, but its famous branded products have already made a mark in the world's "superhard" field. Huanghe Whirlwind's superhard materials have excellent mechanical, thermal, optical, acoustic, electrical, and biological properties that are unparalleled by other materials, enjoying the reputation of "the king of materials". Currently, they are widely used in national defense, aerospace, electronics, machinery, automobiles, machine tools, precision manufacturing, medical care, building materials, clean energy, high-speed railways, petroleum and natural gas drilling, geological exploration, coal and mineral mining, and other industries related to people's livelihood.

Embrace the Big Picture and Build Dreams

Steer the Wheel and Break through the Waves. General Secretary Xi Jinping once emphasized in his speech at the Symposium on Private Enterprises that "China's private economy has become an indispensable force to drive our country's development. It has become the main field of entrepreneurship and employment, an important subject of technological innovation, and a significant source of national tax revenue, playing an important role in promoting the development of China's socialist market economy, government function transformation, rural surplus labor transfer, and international market development." Huanghe Whirlwind is a leading manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of high-quality and stable superhard materials, including carbon-based materials and products, cultivated diamonds, superhard materials and polycrystalline composite material products, superhard tools, and metal powders. As an outstanding private enterprise, the employees of Huanghe Whirlwind have shown great innovation consciousness and perseverance in their struggle for their dreams. They have made enormous contributions to promoting the economic and social development of Henan through hard work and constant innovation.

Superhard Materials 

Fortresses may be silent, but they can gather tremendous strength; flags may be soundless, but they can inspire boundless fighting spirit. The Huanghe Whirlwind Party Committee was established in 1994 and currently has 18 party branches and 545 party members. The company's party committee always adheres to the concept that building the party is building development and that developing the party is necessary for promoting high-quality development. It uses high-quality party building to lead high-quality enterprise development.

For a long time, the enterprise has firmly adhered to the principle that party branches should be the main leaders, achieving standardized construction of positions; party members should be the core force, achieving regularity of party activities; high-quality development should be the fundamental goal, achieving standardized construction of systems; and party history learning and education should be the opportunity, achieving the characteristics of activity carriers. Its goal is to maximize funding guarantees while focusing on the center.

In party building work, all party members and cadres have a high enthusiasm for learning, always holding the feeling of "learning as if not reaching it is feared to lose it." The party committee members strictly implement the "dual responsibility system," take the lead in studying party history and giving party lectures; ordinary party members actively self-study and conduct collective research, improving their political and theoretical cultivation through study and research; and the broad party members forge their own awareness of strictly following the discipline of the party's political life through learning and practical activities such as visiting revolutionary bases.

The party committee also uses Internet platforms, knowledge display boards, and other forms to publish and promote party theory knowledge and revolutionary stories, creating a strong atmosphere for learning and education. The party committee has also used the "hard work" of party building to continuously strengthen the party's team and build a healthy body. In the first half of this year, 30 probationary party members were promoted on time, and the development and democratic evaluation work of 45 probationary party members was completed, promoting the continuous growth and strength of the enterprise's party organization. Through its party building work, Huanghe Whirlwind has achieved a win-win situation for party building and development, promoting the company's new leap-forward development.

Cultivating a Diamond Team 

If high-quality party building work is the foundation for creating a model enterprise with harmonious labor relations, then abiding by rules and regulations and safeguarding workers' rights in accordance with the law effectively provide a "protective shield" for creating a model enterprise with harmonious labor relations.

Prosper with Talent, Flourish with Talent

To build harmonious labor relations, it is necessary to solve the most concerning, direct, and realistic issues of workers, as well as the fundamental interests between enterprises and employees, and fully respect and care for workers, mobilizing and stimulating the enthusiasm and creativity of all workers. Only in this way can the enterprise truly become a community of shared interests, shared endeavors, and shared destinies, maintain harmonious development of labor relations, and promote social harmony and stability.

In the first half of this year, Huanghe Whirlwind completed the update of national labor model information on the mobile end in Xuchang City and made the advanced individuals registered in the "detailed account" process. They respectively applied for the materials of Hu Junheng's "Ge Tian Craftsman," Shi Zhiqiang's "May 1st Labor Medal," and the Wire Saw Business Unit's "6:1 Creation" labor outstanding achievement competition materials, and also applied for the "Top 10 Technical Innovations in Xuchang City," "Outstanding Technical Heroes in Xuchang City," and "Outstanding Technical Innovations in Xuchang City" in 2021. Due to its outstanding performance, Huanghe Whirlwind was awarded the Outstanding Organizational Unit Award for the "Professional Health Person" activity in 2021 and the title of "Professional Health Person" in 2021.

Over the years, Huanghe Whirlwind has also won honors such as "National Model Workers' Home," "National Workers' Library," "Henan Province Innovation Leading Enterprise," "Henan Province Technology Innovation Demonstration Enterprise," "Henan Province Intellectual Property Demonstration Application Enterprise," "Henan Province Science and Technology Progress Award," "China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award," and "Model Enterprise for Creating Harmonious Labor Relations," among others.

Throughout its history, Huanghe Whirlwind has used the overall quality of its team to measure the breadth and long-term development of its business, and has used the breadth and long-term development of its business to signify the greatness and deep meaning of progress. Adhering to the development strategy of "strengthening the enterprise with talent", establishing the "Yellow River Lecture Hall" and "Tuesday-Friday" learning programs, and promoting a talent concept of "matching people with positions and utilizing their talents to the fullest", Huanghe Whirlwind has carried out customized training for staff career development management and actively built a learning-oriented enterprise. A career development channel system has been established, which is "vertically promotable and horizontally exchangeable", and a staff quality and capability enhancement project has been launched.

Skills Competition to Promote Advancement

At the "Huanghe Whirlwind 2022 Business Mobilization Meeting," Chairman Pang Wenlong emphasized that the company must firmly adhere to the development policy of "seeking progress while maintaining stability and focusing on the main business," focus on the main business of superhard materials, and implement a customer-centric, market-oriented approach to technological innovation. The company should also implement the "pillar and seedling" plan, introduce high-end talent, improve safety and quality management systems, optimize business management systems, and through various mechanisms, stimulate the enthusiasm of all employees to start businesses and ensure the successful completion of various business targets for 2022.

Technology is productivity, and talent is also productivity. As the chairman steering the company, Pang Wenlong places the importance of talent in a top position. Currently, a technical innovation team led by Dr. Wang Yuchang and Dr. Wu Xiwang has been formed. Despite the "hardness" of the core technology, the decision-making level of Huanghe Whirlwind has always firmly grasped the construction of the talent team. In early 2022, Huanghe Whirlwind issued the "No. 1 Document of Talent Project" which clearly stated specific measures such as "improving the mechanism of selecting, nurturing, using, and retaining talents and cultivating marketing engineers.

The feeling of winning is really great.

Huanghe Whirlwind has gradually built a highland for gathering talents through long-term selection, nurturing, utilization, and emphasis on talents. In October 2021, Hu Junheng's model innovation studio at Huanghe Whirlwind was awarded the honorary title of "Exemplary Labor Model and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio of Xuchang City in 2020" by the Xuchang Municipal Federation of Trade Unions. The recognition decision stated that the Hu Junheng Model Innovation Studio has long been committed to cultivating diamond product upgrading and related work, guided by five innovative concepts of conceptual innovation, knowledge innovation, technology innovation, product innovation, and mechanism innovation. In recent years, the studio has overcome many technical difficulties, formed abundant technical achievements, and accumulated rich industrialization experience, contributing to the high-quality development of the company. Several members of the studio have been honored with titles such as "Changge City Top Technical Talent," "Changge City's Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker," and "Changge City Outstanding Communist Party Member." In recent years, the studio has held more than 500 training sessions on technology, equipment operation, maintenance, management, and safety, training more than 10,000 people. It has trained more than 70 skilled personnel related to diamond cultivation, including six new technicians and five professional skilled personnel, and has established a high-skilled innovation talent team for the company's development, laying a relatively rich talent foundation for revitalizing the national superhard material industry.

Model workers" pass on, help, and lead, craftsmen pass on their skills

The Hu Junheng Model Innovation Studio is just an example and epitome of Huanghe Whirlwind's talent cultivation and talent-driven enterprise. Huanghe Whirlwind's sweet taste and benefits in talent team building have been recorded in the history of building a beautiful Central Plains and have also been incorporated into China's hard material science and technology innovation and development process. The overall quality construction of Huanghe Whirlwind's workforce has also yielded fruitful results. The enterprise has promoted the "everyone holds a certificate" construction with high quality, and as of mid-September 2022, the certification rate has reached 100%.

Huanghe Whirlwind's rapid development and steady progress can be attributed to the overall excellence of its talent team; its ability to overcome difficulties and rank among the leaders is due to the dedication and hard work of high-end scientific and technological talents; and its honor as a national demonstration enterprise unit for creating harmonious labor relations is thanks to the solidarity and hard work of all Huanghe Whirlwind employees.

Here, only over a year's worth of Huanghe Whirlwind's achievements in scientific innovation are highlighted, which demonstrate remarkable accomplishments: On November 8th, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the list of the sixth batch of single-champion products selected and the third batch of enterprises that passed the review. Huanghe Whirlwind's diamond tools using pre-alloyed powder were nominated as single-champion products. In 2021, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the decision on the selection of outstanding achievements in the sixth national workers' excellent technical innovation results exchange activities (Zong Gong Fa [2021] No. 21). Huanghe Whirlwind's project "R&D and Industrialization of Key Technologies for Synthesis of 1-5mm Gem-Grade Colorless Single Crystal Diamonds" was selected as an outstanding achievement in the exchange activities.

On December 7th, 2021, Huanghe Whirlwind was selected as the "2021 Henan Province Intellectual Property Leading Enterprise" for the period from December 2021 to December 2024.

On January 4th, 2022, the "5G+ Smart Factory" project of Huanghe Whirlwind held its groundbreaking ceremony in the Yellow River Industrial Park as part of the third phase of the "Three batches of one" program in the province.

In May 2022, Huanghe Whirlwind's project "R&D and Application of Key Technologies and Equipment for Diamond Wire Saw" won the second prize of Henan Province Science and Technology Progress Award.

In June 2022, the Office of Scientific and Technological Awards of the China Business Federation awarded Huanghe Whirlwind's project "High-efficiency and High-reliability Manufacturing Technology and Equipment for High-end Abrasive Products" the National Business Science and Technology Progress Award special prize.

In June 2022, Huanghe Whirlwind was listed as one of the recommended 20 Chinese industry landmark brands in Henan Province.

In August 2022, Huanghe Whirlwind was selected as one of the leading enterprises in Henan Province's manufacturing industry in 2022.

In September 2022, Huanghe Whirlwind successfully developed and launched the market for the special diamond wire for cutting silicon carbide.

Huanghe Whirlwind has demonstrated through facts that talent is the key to success, innovation is the strength, talent and innovation win, and the wise use of talent leads to success.

Huanghe Whirlwind

Aspiring for a Better Life, Building Harmony Together 

Humans have thoughts and emotions, and only through enjoyable work can high-quality products be created and enterprise morale boosted. Harmonious labor relations are fundamental. Huanghe Whirlwind has always adhered to the core values of "focusing on employees and honoring those who strive." We insist on fully implementing labor laws and regulations, implementing a labor contract system comprehensively, promoting the optimization of the wage system, and improving the management and control system to enhance the protection of employees' rights and interests.

Refreshing" Warms Hearts 

For a long time, Huanghe Whirlwind has vigorously promoted the spirit of the new era of corporate social responsibility, conscientiously cultivated a harmonious cultural foundation of caring for employees and employees' love for their jobs and enterprises, and better played the leading role of advanced models, driving the company to effectively safeguard employee rights and interests, guiding employees to enhance their sense of responsibility, identification and belonging to the company, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of both parties in labor relations, creating a community of interests, careers, and fate between the company and employees, and uniting and mobilizing employees to achieve new achievements in the new era. This has formed a good situation where the enterprise gets benefits, employees get practical benefits, the economy develops, and society stabilizes.

"As the saying goes, persistence leads to success; though the task may be great, perseverance will make it possible." In the process of creating a national model enterprise for harmonious labor relations, Huanghe Whirlwind attaches great importance to corporate culture construction. It implements multi-platform, multi-media, and multi-field learning and communication, strengthens employees' ideological education and assessment, and has established "Huanghe Whirlwind News", "Yellow River Industry Group" WeChat public account, and "Huanghe Whirlwind" Douyin platform to disseminate knowledge, publicize advanced figures and deeds. Through columns such as "The Party Flag Flying", "Party Member Style", and "Model Worker Praise", it educates people with the things around them and influences things around them with people around them, forming a strong atmosphere of learning from the advanced, creating advanced, and striving for excellence. Regular and diverse activities are held, including cultural performances, sports competitions, on-the-job training, technical competitions, and skills training. It also specifies Tuesdays and Fridays as Huanghe Whirlwind's study days, which are strictly followed.

Retirement Farewell Party, Warm the Hearts of Employees --- Being together doesn't necessarily mean being a team, being together in heart determines a team. Huanghe Whirlwind takes "achieving high-quality development of the enterprise and making employees satisfied and loyal" as the bottom line of its business operations. It upholds the work rights, labor rights, innovation rights, fame rights, welfare rights, and other rights of its employees. In this regard, it "pulls the bow to the full and shifts into high gear" to improve employee satisfaction. In terms of caring for and loving employees, the company actively reflects the difficulties of employees to the higher authorities, strives to provide assistance and support, and holds various warmth-giving activities during holidays and festivals. It has established a "home for employees" and continued to carry out autumn assistance for students and assistance for those in difficulty. In the first half of this year alone, the company helped 17 employees in difficulty, with a total assistance fund of 30,000 yuan. It seeks welfare for its employees and improves the trade union structure and regular activities. Moreover, Huanghe Whirlwind actively participates in social welfare activities and charitable causes, integrates its own development into the process of building a harmonious society, pays it forward with gratitude, actively fulfills its responsibilities, sincerely returns to society, and has built 12 "Yellow River Primary Schools." During the "7.20" flood relief in 2021, it donated 10 million yuan in cash and materials, supported epidemic prevention and control with 450,000 yuan and 100,000 masks. During the epidemic prevention and control in 2022, it donated 1.5 million yuan and 13 boxes of 13,000 N95 masks and 15 boxes of 22,500 flat masks. Over the years, the company has donated more than 216 million yuan to Hope Project, the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai, rural roads, assistance for poor families and poor students, and has deeply implemented the "thousand enterprises help a thousand villages" activity, participating in poverty alleviation, supporting rural revitalization work. At the same time, it continuously adjusts its product structure and optimizes its industrial structure. It actively responds to the "1000-10,000-1 million" activity launched by the Langge City Committee, and its large-scale industry drives the cultivation of local characteristic industrial clusters, indirectly promoting the gradual development and growth of more than 30 construction machinery processing enterprises and indirectly driving the employment of more than 300,000 people, easing social pressure and winning social recognition.

Huanghe Whirlwind, based on independent innovation, is an outstanding enterprise that brings glory to the country and a leader in the field of Chinese superhard materials. In the pursuit of the enterprise's spiritual values, Huanghe Whirlwind takes technological innovation as the lead and shoulders the social responsibility of improving the quality of life that humans aspire to. It is a representative of Henan's technology for good. In the construction of a harmonious social environment, the people of Huanghe Whirlwind have obtained a sense of gain, security, belonging, and happiness in the enterprise. Starting from caring for the employees, Huanghe Whirlwind has built a harmonious environment where everything is beautiful and everyone is beautiful, and everyone shares beauty. It is a model for the high-quality development of economic and social private enterprises. The achievement of the honor of "National Harmonious Labor Relations Model Enterprise" is a manifestation of Huanghe Whirlwind's integration of "wholeheartedly serving employees, and wholeheartedly relying on employees" into enterprise management. The achievements that have been built on the basis of the comprehensive development of employees undoubtedly have been fully recognized.